Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pantry Dinner

Friday night, my last night in the Bronx, Heather came over and we scoured the kitchen for any and all left over food to make dinner. (I took a few pictures, but none of the end product--because I was too hungry to think about it--so I'm omitting pics from this post)

In addition to the approximately 100 unopened containers of chicken broth that we found deep within my kitchen cabinets, we found more than enough to make an absolutely delicious meal--with no recipe, which is my favorite way to try to cook.

What we found:
1 frozen chicken breast
1 box rotini pasta (whole wheat, the only way to go)
About 1/4 cup Balsamic vinegar
4 red potatoes
1 onion
And Garlic. Lots of Garlic.
(Plus some home-made tomato sauce I had made out of more left over ingredients on Wednesday)

This and some spices was all we needed to make a delicious, delicious meal.

I let Heather take care of the potatoes--she sliced then really thin, sliced about half an onion (also really thin), and then drizzled them with oil. We added salt, black pepper, and at Heather's suggestion Chili Powder. Popped them in a 400 degree oven, and waited for goodness.

While the potatoes were cooking, I took care of the chicken. Since we only had one breast, we decided to cut it up into bite sized pieces (which also reduced the cooking time). I also chopped up the rest of the onion, and smashed up a few cloves of garlic. I threw the onion and garlic in with some oil and then added the chicken. I let the chicken brown a little, and then discovered a little bit of butter left in my fridge, so, of course, I added that. To season the chicken, I added some salt and pepper, and a bit of dried basil. When the chicken was cooked through, I added the remains of a bottle of balsamic vinegar (probably about 1/4 cup), and let that reduce into a sauce. And Voila! Ready to serve.

We didn't time our dinner perfectly, and although the chicken and pasta were finished quickly, we still had to wait a while on the potatoes--which was alright, because they were pretty freaking delicious.

So, in conclusion, pantry dinner = Total Success. Heather will back me up on this.

With love and bison from Oklahoma,



  1. I love how you talked about the millions of chicken broth you had and then didn't use any. I feel like we also had like five opened chicken broths in our fridge.

    So how was moving out of our apartment? Was it clean at all?

  2. Well, our room was clean and the bathroom and living room weren't bad. I cleaned all my stuff out of the kitchen, but there was too much left when I was leaving to really clean who knows what happened.
